A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
[ITA, next: ESP, ENG]
"non-binary" è un gioco in tre atti che mischia bullet hell e narrazione per portarti nella vita di due persone non binarie.
accompagnerai Pallina o Pallino dall'infanzia fino all'età adulta, vivendo con loro frustrazioni e gioie, scoperta e cambiamento.
"non-binary" es un juego en tres actos que mezcla el infierno de balas y la narración para introducirte en la vida de dos personas no binarias.
acompañarás a Pallina o a Pallino desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta, experimentando con ellos frustraciones y alegrías, descubrimientos y cambios.
"non-binary" is a game in three acts that blends bullet hell and storytelling to bring you into the lives of two non-binary people.
you will accompany Elisa or Luca from childhood to adulthood, experiencing with them frustration and joy, discovery and change.
"non-binary" è un'idea nata durante la GGJ2022 in collaborazione con ASCARI (qui la sua nuova pagina itch.io <3).
questa nuova versione include:
- bullet hell più complessi e tematizzati;
- storie più vive e articolate;
- la possibilità di compiere scelte narrative;
- finali differenti, a prescindere dall'aver superato o meno i bullet hell;
- due livelli di difficoltà per i bullet hell;
- la scelta della lingua (italiano, spagnolo, inglese);
- una cosina bellissima e misteriosa nel finale;
- una versione MacOS e Linux;
- il codice sorgente, accessibile da qui.
"non-binary" es una idea nacida durante el GGJ2022 en colaboración con ASCARI (itch.io) . esta nueva versión incluye:
- infiernos de bala más complejos y temáticos;
- historias más vívidas y articuladas;
- la posibilidad de hacer elecciones narrativas; diferentes finales, independientemente de si sobrevives o no a los infiernos de bala;
- dos niveles de dificultad para los infiernos de bala;
- la elección del idioma (italiano, español, inglés);
- un bello y misterioso detalle en el final;
- una versión para MacOS y Linux;
- el código fuente, accesible desde aquí.
"non-binary" is an idea born during GGJ2022 in collaboration with ASCARI (here you will find them new itch.io page). this new version includes:
- more complex and thematic bullet hells;
- more vivid and articulate stories;
- the ability to make narrative choices;
- different endings, regardless of whether or not you survive the bullet hells;
- two difficulty levels for bullet hell;
- the choice of language (Italian, Spanish, English);
- a beautiful and mysterious little thing in the ending;
- now available for MacOS and Linux;
- and you can find our source code here.
"non-binary" prevede due percorsi differenti: uno per unə personaggiə socialmente definitə come maschile, e unə femminile.
a inizio gioco lə personaggiə ti verrà assegnatə randomicamente.
a partita conclusa, potrai ripercorrere la sua storia o vivere quella dell'altrə personaggiə.
ti consigliamo di seguire tutte e due le storie: unendo esperienze personali e le testimonianze di chi ci ha supportatɜ, abbiamo creato due percorsi molto diversi. le vite delle persone non binarie sono tanto varie e complesse quante quelle di chiunque altro. per questo il gioco non si propone di raccontare la storia di tuttɜ, ma solo un piccolo scorcio su un mondo complesso.
"non-binary" presenta dos caminos diferentes: uno para un personaje socialmente definido como femenino y el otro, masculino. al principio del juego, el personaje se te asignará al azar. al final del juego, podrás retomar su historia o vivir la del otro protagonista.
te recomendamos que vivas las dos historias: al combinar las experiencias personales y los testimonios de quienes nos han apoyado, hemos creado dos caminos muy diferentes. las vidas de las personas no binarias son tan variadas y complejas como las de cualquier otra persona. por eso el juego no pretende contar la historia de todos, sino sólo un pequeño vistazo a un mundo complejo.
"non-binary" features two different paths: one for a character socially defined as female and the other, male.
at the beginning of the game, the character will be randomly assigned to you.
at the end of the game, you will be able to retrace their story or live that of the other protagonist.
we recommend that you experience both stories: by combining personal experiences and the testimonies of those who have supported us, we have created two very different paths. the lives of non-binary people are as varied and complex as those of anyone else. that's why the game doesn't aim to tell everyone's story, but only a small glimpse into a complex world.
se sei una persona non binaria e senti che le cose non stanno andando come vorresti: ricorda che non sei solə 💛🤍💜🖤
molte città hanno associazioni e sportelli di supporto, ci sono comunità online che uniscono e condividono esperienze. e ci siamo anche noi, se vuoi scriverci.
si conoces asociaciones de tu país que puedan ayudar a las personas enby, por favor, deja un comentario con su página web: será más fácil de encontrar para alguien que pueda estar en una situación difícil.
y recuerda, queride: no estás sole 💛🤍💜🖤
textos traducidos por Alex Fernández
if you know associations from your country that could help enby people, please leave a comment with their website: it would be easier to find for someone with struggles.
and remember, dear: you're not alone 💛🤍💜🖤
OST by Ascari
Status | Released |
Platforms | Windows, macOS, Linux |
Rating | Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars (19 total ratings) |
Authors | owof games, Ascari |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Made with | Unity |
Tags | Arcade, Bullet Hell, LGBTQIA, Meaningful Choices, Narrative, non-binary, Queer, Transgender |
Average session | About a half-hour |
Languages | English, Spanish; Latin America, Italian |
Inputs | Keyboard |
Links | Steam, Blog, Soundtrack, Source code |
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- A new little game for you - Un nuovo gioco per teJun 09, 2024
- macOS, linux, español... and more!Jul 19, 2022
- non-binary takes part in Queer Games Bundle 2022!Jun 03, 2022
- technical devlogMay 13, 2022
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While I am not part of the LGBTQ, this did give me more information and a better view of the struggles and problems that people have to go through. Combining a bullet-hell stress game into a society viewed story is a great combination to show what stress kind of stress is going on throughout peoples lives.
Great game, story telling, mixing genres, and even the simplest of graphic design.
Thanks a lot for your kind words and for the playthrough video ❤️. One of the reasons why we made this game was exactly to talk about something lots of people know little about, and to try and communicate what it means to feel certain things in your life!
(sorry for the late reply, we're still getting back to our normal rhythms after the summer break!)
Trying to concentrate on holding conversation while you masterfully dodge (or don't) the gendered shit being thrown at you - THIS is ludonarrative cohesion. A real delight, especially the surprise that I won't spoil involving sliders. A DELIGHT. Huge congrats, team!
You have no idea how much this means to us, coming from you! We are incredibly happy you liked it, and thank _your_ beautiful games (we also played Pebble Witch some weeks ago and it was sooooo sweet and relatable! 💕)
I cried in the middle of it :') this game is so amazing and the mixture of simplistic gameplay and a deep story makes this game one of my favorites
Thank you so much, really 💖
It's that kind of situation where we don't know if we must be sorry or happy ' cause someon is crying, so: a lot of hugs from here 💖
Really impressed by your game and the message behind it! Think you would be a great fit for the Italian game jam we are hosting. If you are interested you can check it out here: https://adrenalinerush.gamejam.it
Keep up the great work, we need more games like this!
I just want to say that I love this game. I just finished playing it and am still crying from the stories. It felt incredibly relatable.
Thank you so much for making this.
Thanks a lot for your message ❤️
If you feel like sharing with us what you felt most relatable, we would love to hear it.
And thanks to you for having played our game!
im so shit at this bloody bullet hell, but, wow, what a game. and the stories made me cry so much. super mega relatable.
ca't wait to see more from you lot. <3
Thanks so so so much <3
ITA- 'Non-binary' è un esperienza discorsiva. La narrazione è il filo guida in tutto il gameplay. Attraverso situazioni che si sentono vicine perchè sperimentate o assistite si entra in contatto coi protagonist* scoprendone la vita. Un viaggio verso una libertà propria.
Ne esce in piccolo prodotto ben curato che merita di essere provato e che sa come parlare al giocatore.
ENG- 'Non-binary' is a story-driven experience. Storytelling is an important part of gameplay. Through situations that you feel close to you get in touch with the protagonist discovering his life. A journey to one's own liberty.
The result is a small product that deserves to be tried because it knows how to speak to the player.
Grazie mille per questa recensione, siamo felicissimə che l'esperienza che volevamo dare sia arrivata in questo modo <3